What we’re reading: Week 4
Posted June 19, 2014By Jessica Boehm
Hunters: Gun rights have nothing to do with hunting (Jamie Taraby, 6/18, Aljazeera America) Some hunters say that the National Rifle Association’s focus has shifted away from representing hunters.
In rare speaking appearance, Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords says women should lead the way in seeking laws to curb gun violence (Annie Karni, 6/16, New York Daily News) Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the head during a mass shooting in Tucson in 2011, discussed how women can lead change in gun policy.
Gun-control advocate: Snowden, Obamacare hurt our cause (Reid J. Epstein, 6/16, The Wall Street Journal) Mark Glaze, executive director of Michael Bloomberg’s Super PAC, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, stepped down this week and discussed how Obamacare and other unrelated political issues hurt the organization.
Should Catholic priests carry guns? (EJ Montini, 6/16, The Arizona Republic) Columnist EJ Montini explains his take on priests and guns after a priest in downtown Phoenix was shot and killed last week in downtown Phoenix.
The new front in Dudley Brown’s war: Jefferson County (Eli Stokols, 6/12, 5280 The Denver Magazine) The Rocky Mountain Gun Owners continues to play a large role in gun politics leading up to primary elections next Tuesday.
Seattle police arrest man who claimed to be “next Elliott Rodgers” (Laura Stampler, 6/17, Time) Police arrested a man who claimed to idolize UCSB shooter, Elliott Rodgers, and allegedly made threats online to murder women at the University of Washington.
Jessica Boehm is a News21 Hearst Fellow.
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