Rival groups grow but NRA dominates in money and membership

Sandy Hook gives momentum to regulation, yet states are expanding the rights of weapons owners; NRA reaches out to new demographics, deals with pressure from the right.
Rural sheriffs
In states like Colorado and Maryland, some ignore or refuse to enforce gun laws that threaten rural cultures.
The Second Amendment
Groups prepare to defend themselves against government interference with the "will of the people".
For sport and self defense: The selling of guns to women

Women are the sellers, lobbyists and business owners with more women than ever owning guns and training others to use them.
Legislators nullify federal gun laws
Particularly in Western and Southern states, firearms are a political vehicle to ensure states’ rights and void U.S. gun laws.
z Nullification legislation map
See the status of nullification laws since 2005.
Guns and the dangerously mentally ill
The federal government's National Instant Criminal Background Check System fails to keep guns from mentally ill.
Colorado: Expanded gun laws and the political fallout
Colorado’s legislature ushered in unprecedented gun control laws, but gun rights activists pushed back in a battle between urban and rural.
Recalled: Two Colorado state senators have no regrets
The former lawmakers talk about the 2013 gun laws that forced them out of office.
Hear from a survivor of the Aurora shooting
“There’s always someone who wants to snatch you up and turn you into a poster child for their cause.”
Hear from a survivor of the Columbine shooting
“I don't live my life scared… If I’ve learned anything, I've learned that safety is an illusion.”
Nucla, Colorado: Don't go home without a gun
In 2013, the Nucla Town Board passed the Family Protection Order, requiring every head of household to own a firearm.

California: Is the state still a model for gun control?

Recent shootings have incited calls for even more regulations as California prepares for elections this year.
Connecticut and Arizona: Two tragedies; different reactions
The Sandy Hook and Tucson killings were both were carried out by armed men with histories of mental illness. But what happened after the shootings was very different.
Virginia: Despite election of Democrats, gun control bills have no chance
Welcome to the Militia, Police and Public Safety Committee, also known as 'The place where gun bills go to die,' where one man controls the fate of any legislation.
Washington: Dueling measures seek to redefine sales checks

Voters will decide whether or not to require background checks for all sales — or they can vote to allow only federally authorized looks at buyers to be state’s practice
Domestic violence

More people were murdered by intimate partners with guns than by criminals they didn’t know, a News21 investigation found. At least 3,464 people were shot to death in an act of domestic violence from 2008 to 2012, compared to 3,226 people killed in the same period by unknown attackers.
Child gun deaths

An analysis of child and youth deaths from 2002 to 2012 shows at least 28,000 children and teens 19-years-old and younger were killed with guns. Most of those were homicides, followed by suicides and accidents.
Gun suicides

Americans are twice as likely to die from turning guns on themselves as they are to be murdered with one. Now, gun shops and ranges are joining up with prevention specialists to try to prevent suicides.
Domestic gun violence database
Gun homicide rates vs. domestic gun homicide rates.
Child gun deaths database
The toll of gun homicides, suicides and accidental deaths.
Gun suicide database
The rate per 100,000 of gun suicides in 2012.
Expanded stand your ground and self defense laws give shooters unprecedented protection

Since 2005, 31 states have adopted stronger self-defense laws. The laws have been invoked for everything from road rage ending in gunfire to suspected thieves shot to death as they tried to flee.
Increase in guns in public places
Yes, it is legal: More and more, those with firearms can bring them into public places such as bars, restaurants, churches and parks. In fact, it's allowed in a majority of states.
School shooting map
Details of school and campus shootings since 1960.
A move to allow “carry” on campus
Grassroots group looks to legislatures to make it easier for students to bring weapons to college and they are having some success, despite opposition from universities and faculty.
More states allow teachers, staff to be armed in K-12 schools

No one knows how many teachers are armed, but the debate is at full volume: Does it protect children from shootings by intruders or put them at risk of classroom accidents?

Camp Texas
College Station, TX
Christian Outdoor Alliance summer camps introduce young Texans to hunting culture with a religious background. Kids learn about safety and hunt animals on private ranches.
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Rapid Fire
Wyandotte, OK
At the Oklahoma Full Auto Shoot and Trade Show, massive machine gun fire is just part of the draw for big-weapon enthusiasts.
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For Sport or Game
Prior Lake, MN
It took 13 years to be sanctioned as high school sport, but 6,100 kids now shoot trap competitively across Minnesota.
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Citizen Soldiers
Batesville, MI
Meet the Citizens Militia of Mississippi, where firearms training is about family, protection and individual liberty.
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Bay City, TX
Hunters go to Bay City, Texas, to hunt from a helicopter, using high-powered rifles to kill wild hogs that damage farms.
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A Family Tradition
Montana City, MT
Mac Minard’s walk-in gun vault in Montana is filled with deer antlers, weapons and photos of hunting memories that hang from the walls.
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American Hunter
Portland, OR
Donny Adair and his sons practice target shooting in the forests of the Coast Range near Scappoose, Oregon.
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California Academy
Azusa, CA
Alex Tham was a child when his uncle taught him to shoot with an airsoft gun. He now runs the American Marksman Training Group in California.
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The Art of the Carry
Wickenburg, AZ
Lee Bird of Wickenburg, Arizona owns Twin Birds Saddlery. He open carries a Smith & Wesson .38-caliber Special revolver in a holster he made himself.
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A Taxidermist
Savage, MN
Minnesota’s prevalent hunting culture has kept taxidermist Brad Reddick in business for more than 40 years.